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Specimen Lymnaea raphaelis Jousseaume, 1887
MT.3827 ex:tiroir 801 Lymnaea raphaelis Jousseaume, 1887 Loc: Près Tuenjavo (?), Ecuador Syntypes I.G.10591 Photographié par Y. Barette le 10/2019
Located in Virtual collections / / Gastropoda / Lymnaeidae
Image JPEG image Xerodermus porcellus st F antenna.jpg
Located in Virtual collections / / Dryophthoridae / Xerodermus porcellus Lacordaire, 1866
Image JPEG image Xerodermus porcellus st F Lb.jpg
Located in Virtual collections / / Dryophthoridae / Xerodermus porcellus Lacordaire, 1866
Specimen Hipponyx salebrosus Preston, 1908
MT.3306 - Cotype (ex-tiroir 384) Hipponyx salebrosus Preston, 1908 Gold Coast Preston, 10.07.1907 2/6 les 2 IG 10591 Coll. Dautzenberg note by C. d'Udekem d'Acoz 2022: Preston, H. B. (1908). Descriptions of new species of land, fresh-water and marine shells from West Africa. Proceedings of the Malacological Society of London. 8(1): 7-8., available online at - page(s): 8
Located in Virtual collections / / Gastropoda / Hipponicidae
Specimen Semiclivina carbonaria Putzeys, 1867
Located in Virtual collections / / Carabidae / Scaritinae
Image JPEG image Semiclivina carbonaria St Labels.jpg
Located in Virtual collections / / Scaritinae / Semiclivina carbonaria Putzeys, 1867
Image JPEG image Semiclivina carbonaria St D.jpg
Located in Virtual collections / / Scaritinae / Semiclivina carbonaria Putzeys, 1867
Image JPEG image Semiclivina carbonaria St L.jpg
Located in Virtual collections / / Scaritinae / Semiclivina carbonaria Putzeys, 1867
Image JPEG image Semiclivina carbonaria St F.jpg
Located in Virtual collections / / Scaritinae / Semiclivina carbonaria Putzeys, 1867
Specimen JPEG image Semiclivina platensis Putzeys, 1867.jpg
Located in Virtual collections / / Carabidae / Scaritinae