BE-RBINS-INV HOLOTYPE FEMALE ADULT INV.122942 Epimeria (Drakepimeria) colemani plate number one.jpg
Bransfield Strait, ANT-29/3, st. 196-8. Lateral and dorsal habitus.
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Epimeria (Drakepimeria) colemani d'Udekem d'Acoz & Verheye, 2017
BE-RBINS-INV HOLOTYPE FEMALE ADULT INV.122942 Epimeria (Drakepimeria) colemani anterior half in dorsal view.jpg
Bransfield Strait, ANT-29/3, st. 196-8, anterior half in dorsal view.
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Epimeria (Drakepimeria) colemani d'Udekem d'Acoz & Verheye, 2017
BE-RBINS-INV HOLOTYPE FEMALE ADULT INV.122942 Epimeria (Drakepimeria) colemani plate number two.jpg
Bransfield Strait, ANT-29/3, st. 196-8. A. Anterior half. B. Posterior half.
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Epimeria (Drakepimeria) colemani d'Udekem d'Acoz & Verheye, 2017
BE-RBINS-INV HOLOTYPE FEMALE ADULT INV.122942 Epimeria (Drakepimeria) colemani pleon.jpg
Bransfield Strait, ANT-29/3, st. 196-8. Pleon.
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Epimeria (Drakepimeria) colemani d'Udekem d'Acoz & Verheye, 2017
BE-RBINS-INV HOLOTYPE FEMALE ADULT INV.122942 Epimeria (Drakepimeria) colemani urosome in dorsal view.jpg
Bransfield Strait, ANT-29/3, st. 196-8. Urosome in dorsal view.
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Epimeria (Drakepimeria) colemani d'Udekem d'Acoz & Verheye, 2017
Ptilocrinus antarcticus Bather, 1908
Current name: Dumetocrinus antarcticus (Bather, 1908) ; CRI. 478\1 Paratype: Ptilocrinus antarcticus Bather, 1908 S.Y. Belgica, Station Faubert Septem N° 589, specimen A, SIB ather, F.A. (1908) Ptilocrinus antarcticus n. sp. a crinoid dredged by the Belgian Antarctic expedition. Bulletin de l’Académie
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BE-RBINS-INV NO TYPE INV.122871 Acanthonotozomopsis pushkini Lateral habitus.jpg
Adult, sex indeterminate, ANT-29/3, st. 197-6, Bransfield Strait. Lateral habitus (colour in life). Det. C. d'Udekem d'Acoz, 2015.
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Acanthonotozomopsis pushkini (Bushueva, 1978)
Epimeria (Drakepimeria) loerzae d'Udekem d'Acoz & Verheye, 2017
Female, paratype, Bransfield Strait, ANT-29/3, st. 116-9, (RBINS, INV.122929\B).
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BE-RBINS-INV PARATYPE FEMALE INV.122929\B Epimeria (Drakepimeria) loerzae Lateral habitus.jpg
Bransfield Strait, ANT-29/3, st. 116-9. Lateral habitus.
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Virtual collections
Epimeria (Drakepimeria) loerzae d'Udekem d'Acoz & Verheye, 2017
BE-RBINS-INV PARATYPE FEMALE INV.122929\B Epimeria (Drakepimeria) loerzae plate number one.jpg
Bransfield Strait, ANT-29/3, st. 116-9. A. Gnathopod 1. B. Gnathopod 2.
Located in
Virtual collections
Epimeria (Drakepimeria) loerzae d'Udekem d'Acoz & Verheye, 2017