BE-RBINS-INV TOPOTYPE MT.3802 Lepidochitona berryana MICROCT XRE LATERAL.jpg
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Lepidochitona berryana Eernisse, 1986
BE-RBINS-INV TOPOTYPE MT.3802 Lepidochitona berryana MICROCT XRE DORSAL.jpg
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Lepidochitona berryana Eernisse, 1986
BE-RBINS-INV TOPOTYPE MT.3802 Lepidochitona berryana MICROCT XRE VENTRAL.jpg
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Lepidochitona berryana Eernisse, 1986
Callistochiton belliatus Kaas & Van Belle, 1994
General : MT.3742 Callistochiton belliatus Kaas & Van Belle, 1994 Loc: Papua New Guinea perinotum + radula
General : MT.3742/1 32 Moll. Mod. II. D2 Coll. Expl. Papua New Guinea Callistochiton belliatus Kaas & Van Belle, 1994 Loc: N°319, Papua New Guinea, reef flat between Awar Point & Cender Point (N.Hansa Bay, Madang Prov) under coral Dét: Kaas & Van Belle, 1990 Leg: J.Van Goethem, 14-06-1979 I.G.26080 --- MT.3742/2: microscopic preparation - Holotype Publ:
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Callistochiton squamigercostatus Kaas & Van Belle, 1993
Callistochiton squamigercostatus Kaas & Van Belle, 1993. Holotype. General : MT.3746 32 Moll. Mod.II Coll. Expl. P.N.G.N°450 Callistochiton squamigercostatus Kaas & Van Belle, 1994 Loc: Papua New Guinea, N°400? Lég: J.Van Goethem, 29-06-1981 Dét: Kaas & Van Belle, 1993 I.G.26373
General : MT.3746/1 32 Moll. Mod.II Coll. Expl. P.N.G.N°450 Callistochiton squamigercostatus Kaas & Van Belle, 1994 Loc: Papua New Guinea, Madang province, Tobinam Point 2km NE of Hatzfeldthafen, low tide, reef flat, underside of coral boulder Lég: J.Van Goethem, 29-06-1981 Dét: Kaas & Van Belle, 1993 I.G.26373 --- MT.3746/1/alcool --- MT.3746/2: microscopic preparation
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Callochiton clausadei Kass & Van Belle, 1985
General : MT.3607: Verzam. R. Van Belle Spec. N°2913a/1 Ontv. 10/1982 OE 2654 Leg. M.Peyrot - Clausade Ex coll. (Marseille) id. Callochiton clausadei Kass & Van Belle, 1985 Dat. ? Loc. Tulear, Madagascar - Faune cavitaire, pente externe -34m PARATYPE
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Chaetopleura unilineta Leloup, 1954
Chaetopleura unilineta Leloup, 1954 ---- BE-RBINS-INV-TYPES-MT-3620-1-Chaetopleura-unilineta --- holotype --- General : MT.3620 Chaetopleura unilineata Leloup, 1954 Loc: Machalilla - Ecuador, 5-8m Dét: Dr E. Leloup, 1954 I.G.11365 microcopic préparation type
General : MT.3620/1 Chaetopleura unilineata Leloup, 1954 Loc: Machalilla - Ecuador, 5-8m Dét: Dr E.Leloup, 1954 I.G.11365 Holotype Publ: Monograph of Living Chitons Vol.3, p.74, Fig.32 , Map 12 --- MT 3620/1/alcool --- MT.3620/2: microscopic preparation
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Chiton vangoethemi Leloup, 1981
Current name: Ischnochiton adelaidensis (Reeve, 1847) ; MT.3764: 32 Moll. Mod. 2 D2 Chiton vangoethemi Leloup, 1981 Loc: P.N.G., 1978 N°246, Boisa Island côte N.(Madang Prov.) Leg: J.Van Goethem 08-06-1978 Dét: Dr.E.Leloup, 1981 Paratypes I.G.25848
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Cryptoplax enigmaticus Leloup, 1980
Original name: Cryptoplax enigmaticus Leloup, 1980 synonym of current name: Cryptoplax sykesi Thiele, 1909 - MT.3782 - Paratype - 32 Moll. Mod. 2 D2 Loc: Israël NS 9826 Ras Konisa - Gulf of Suez 17-10-1972 Dét: Dr E.Leloup, 1975 paratypes I.G.24835
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Ischnochiton (Haploplax) poppei Kaas & Van Belle, 1994
Original name: Ischnochiton (Haploplax) poppei Kaas & Van Belle, 1994 synonym of current name: Leptochiton kurnilatus (Kaas, 1985). (RBINS, MT.3650). 32 Moll. Mod. II - Loc: Japan, Tanegashima Id, S. of Nishinoomote, -1m Leg: Poppe, 08-1992 Dét: Kaas & van belle, 1993 - I.G.27894 - Holotype - Public: Monograph of Living Chitons, Vol:5, Page 72-74, Fig.29, Map 7.
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