Helix (Buliminopsis) substraminea var. turgidula Bavay & Dautzenberg, 1909 - considered as a junior synonym of current name: Ganesella substraminea (Bavay & Dautzenberg, 1908) by Schileyko (2011) - syntype (there were 3 in the box) - RBINS, MT 2433 - Vietnam - 1° étiquette: Helix (Buliminopsis) substraminea var. turgidula Bavay & Dautzenberg, 1908 Syntypes Dét. John Ablett (NHM London); 02/2011 2° étiquette: Helix (Buliminopsis) substraminea var. turgidula Bavay & Dautzenberg, 1908 Loc. Pac Kha, Messager leg. 1908 n°97 - Name first introduced in Bavay, A. & Dautzenberg, P. (1909). Molluscorum terrestrium tonkinorum diagnoses. Journal de Conchyliologie. 56(4): 229–251 (p. 245, without description, only size given). Validated by figures (pl. viii figs 21-22) in: Bavay A., Dautzenberg Ph. 1909. Description de coquilles nouvelles de l’Indo-Chine. Journal de Conchyliologie, 57: 81-105, 163-206, 279-288, pls 1-8 (p. 203-204).
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