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Specimen Ithystenus hebridarum Senna, 1897
Located in Virtual collections / / Brentidae / Brentinae
Image JPEG image Ithystenus hebridarum t D ZS PMax.jpg
Located in Virtual collections / / Brentinae / Ithystenus hebridarum Senna, 1897
Image JPEG image Ithystenus hebridarum t L ZS PMax.jpg
Located in Virtual collections / / Brentinae / Ithystenus hebridarum Senna, 1897
Image JPEG image Ithystenus hebridarum t Labels.jpg
Located in Virtual collections / / Brentinae / Ithystenus hebridarum Senna, 1897
Image JPEG image Ithystenus hebridarum t Microscopic preparation.jpg
Located in Virtual collections / / Brentinae / Ithystenus hebridarum Senna, 1897
Image JPEG image Jacobsiella magellanica t M Lb.jpg
Located in Virtual collections / / Orthocladiinae / Belgica magellanica Jacobs, 1900
Image JPEG image Jacobsiella magellanica t M GL Scaled.jpeg
Located in Virtual collections / / Orthocladiinae / Belgica magellanica Jacobs, 1900
Image JPEG image Jacobsiella magellanica t M L ZS PMax Scaled.jpeg
Located in Virtual collections / / Orthocladiinae / Belgica magellanica Jacobs, 1900
Specimen Pascal source code Joubiniteuthis sp.
Joubiniteuthis sp., det. A. Salcedo-Vargas (11 May 1994), laboratoire des pêches maritimes de Dakar. RBINS, IG.18577. Alternatively labelled as Cycloteuthidae and Ommastrephida, always according to A. Salcedo-Vargas.
Located in Virtual collections / / Cephalopoda / Joubiniteuthidae
Specimen Khasiella rosenbergiana Preston, 1914
MT 689: Khasiella rosenbergiana Preston, 1914 Type Naga Hills, Assam, Inde Preston 20.12.10 7/6
Located in Virtual collections / / Gastropoda / Ariophantidae