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Specimen Buliminus (Serinus) sobrinus Preston, 1912
MT.4085 Syntype Preston 20.04.1911; Ex. tiroir 852 Mountains of S.E. of Kan-su
Located in Virtual collections / / Gastropoda / Buliminidae
Specimen Buliminus margueritae Preston, 1910
MT.4084 Syntype Preston 19.10.1910 Ex. tiroir 852
Located in Virtual collections / / Gastropoda / Buliminidae
Specimen Buliminus tribulationis Preston, 1910
MT.4083 Syntype Preston 19.10.1910 Ex. tiroir 853
Located in Virtual collections / / Gastropoda / Buliminidae
Specimen Cardium edula var. globulosa Pallary
MT .3159 Note by C. d'Udekem d'Acoz 2022: Pallary, P. (1904-1906). Addition à la faune malacologique du Golfe de Gabès. Journal de Conchyliologie. 52(3): 212-248, pl. 7 [25 October 1904]; 54(2): 77-124, pl. 4 [28 November 1906]. [page 109]
Located in Virtual collections / Recent Invertebrates / Mollusca
Specimen Cerithidea weyersi Dautzenberg, 1899
MT.2179 (HIST.72) 32 Moll. Mod. II D2 Cerithidea weyersi Dautzenberg, 1899 Loc: Sumatra Dét: Dautzenberg COTYPES I.G.9109
Located in Virtual collections / / Gastropoda / Potamididae
Specimen Cerithium kochi polita Preston, 1908
MT.3303 - Cotype (ex-tiroir 349) Cerithium kochi var. polita Preston, 1908 Islands Andaman Preston, 10.07.1907 2/0 IG 10591 Coll. Dautzenberg note by C. d'Udekem d'Acoz 2022: Preston, H. B. (1908). Descriptions of new species of land, marine and freshwater shells from the Andaman Islands. Records of the Indian Museum. 2(2): 187-210, pls 14-17., available online at - page(s): 195-196
Located in Virtual collections / / Gastropoda / Cerithiidae
Specimen Cochlostyla annulata fugensis (Bartsch, 1910)
MT.3527 ex:tiroir 1086 Cochlostyla annulata fugensis (Bartsch, 1910) Fuga, Philippines 26.07.09 I.G.10591 Note by C. d'Udekem d'Acoz 2022: Bartsch, P. (1909). Four new land shells from the Philippine Islands. Proceedings of the United States National Museum. 37(1705): 295-299., available online at - page(s): 296, pl. 29, figs 2, 3, 8, 11, 12
Located in Virtual collections / / Gastropoda / Bradybaenidae
Specimen Corynodes compressicornis subspecies exsul Kuntzen, 1914
Current name: Platycorynus compressicornis Fabricius, 1801
Located in Virtual collections / / Chrysomelidae / Eumolpinae
Specimen Corynodes dejeani subspecies kolbei Kuntzen, 1914
Current name: Platycorynus dejeani Bertoloni, 1849
Located in Virtual collections / / Chrysomelidae / Eumolpinae
Specimen Corynodes dejeani subspecies tanganykae Kuntzen, 1914
Current name: Platycorynus dejeani Bertoloni, 1849
Located in Virtual collections / / Chrysomelidae / Eumolpinae