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Specimen Streptaxis cyclina Cousin, 1887
MT.3839 ex:tiroir Streptaxis (Artemon) cyclina Cousin, 1887 Loc: Puco Yacu (?) près Quevedo , Ecuador Syntypes I.G.10591
Located in Virtual collections / / Gastropoda / Streptaxidae
Specimen Streptostele exasperata Preston, 1912
MT.2968 IG:10591 (ex tiroir 1227) Streptostele exasperata Preston, 1912 1 cotype Loc: Kenya, Mount Kenia; 6-9000 ft (ex. Preston) Rév: Dr W. Adam, 1951 note by C. d'Udekem d'Acoz 2022: Preston, H.B. (1912). Diagnoses of new terrestrial and fluviatile shells from British East Africa and Uganda. Revue de Zoologie Africaine, 1 (3): 322-328, pl. 17. Bruxelles [31 March]. page(s): 322, pl. 17, fig. 11 Adam, W (1971). New names introduced by M. Connolly and by H.B. Preston in the mollusca. Bulletin de l'Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique - Bulletin van het Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen, 47(24):1-77.
Located in Virtual collections / / Gastropoda / Streptaxidae
Specimen Streptostele nyiroensis Connolly, 1922
Syntype - Kenya - MT.2820 - IG:10591 - Fam: Streptaxidae Streptostele nyiroensis - 1 expl Loc: Mt Nyiro, south of lake Rudolf;8300 feet; Preston 14-12-1911 Rév: Dr W.Adam 1951. Original description Connolly, M. (1922). Notes on African non-marine Mollusca, with descriptions of many new species. The Annals and Magazine of Natural History, (9) 10 (59): 485-517, pl. 14. London. [31 October]. page(s): 508, pl. 14, fig. 23.
Located in Virtual collections / / Gastropoda / Streptaxidae
Specimen Streptostele nyiroensis Connolly, 1922
MT.2822 IG:10591 Fam: Streptaxidae Streptostele nyiroensis COTYPE 1 expl Loc: Mt Nyiro, south of lake Rudolf;8300 feet; Preston 14-12-1911 Rév: Dr W.Adam 1951 2°Label Streptostele nyiroensis var. clava Preston note by C. d'Udekem d'Acoz 2022: Connolly, M. (1922). Notes on African non-marine Mollusca, with descriptions of many new species. The Annals and Magazine of Natural History, (9) 10 (59): 485-517, pl. 14. London. [31 October]., available online at - page(s): 508, pl. 14, fig. 23.
Located in Virtual collections / / Gastropoda / Streptaxidae
Specimen Streptostyla (Chersomitra) sallei Crosse & P. Fischer, 1868
Current name: Streptostyla (Streptostyla) lattrei sallei Crosse & P. Fischer, 1868 ; Synonym of: Streptostyla sallei Crosse & P. Fischer, 1868 ; MT.3667 ex.tiroir: 929 Streptostyla (Chersomitra) sallei Crosse & P. Fischer, 1868 Loc: Orizaba, 27-02-1897 Syntype I.G.10591
Located in Virtual collections / / Gastropoda / Spiraxidae
Specimen Streptostyla (Chersomitra) sargi sargi Crosse & P. Fischer, 1875
Current name: Streptostyla (Streptostyla) sargi sargi Crosse & P. Fischer, 1875 ; MT.3678 ex.tiroir:929 Streptostyla (Chersomitra) sargi Crosse & P. Fischer, 1875 Loc: GUATEMALA Syntypes (1+1) I.G.10591
Located in Virtual collections / / Gastropoda / Spiraxidae
Specimen Streptostyla (Streptostyla) fulvida Crosse & P. Fischer, 1868
MT.3688 ex.tiroir: 929 Coll. Sallé Streptostyla (Streptostyla) fulvida Crosse & P. Fischer, 1868 Loc: Orizaba, Mexique Syntypes I.G.10591
Located in Virtual collections / / Gastropoda / Spiraxidae
Specimen Streptostyla (Streptostyla) boyeriana Crosse & P. Fischer, 1868
MT.3668 ex.tiroir: 929 Streptostyla (Streptostyla) boyeriana Crosse & P. Fischer, 1868 Loc: Orizaba, 27-02-1897 Syntype I.G.10591
Located in Virtual collections / / Gastropoda / Spiraxidae
Specimen Strombus floridus depauperata Dautzenberg & Bouge, 1933
MT.3891 ex:tiroir 398 Strombus floridus depauperata Dautzenberg & Bouge, 1933 Loc: Motutunga Syntype I.G.10591
Located in Virtual collections / / Gastropoda / Strombidae
Specimen Succinea lineata var. sonorensis P. Fischer & Crosse, 1878
Current name: Calcisuccinea luteola sonorensis (P. Fischer & Crosse, 1878) ; Synonym of: Succinea (Calcisuccinea) luteola sonoreneis P. Fischer & Crosse, 1878 ; MT.3726 ex. tiroir: 820 Succinea lineata var. sonorensis P. Fischer & Crosse, 1878 Loc: Yaqui river, Sonora, Mexique (Dr. E. Palmer) Coll. Crosse ex. W G. Binney 1873 Exp. Mex. p.662, pl. XXVII, f.8, 8a, 8b Syntypes I.G.10591
Located in Virtual collections / / Gastropoda / Succineidae