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Image JPEG image BE-RBINS-INV HOLOTYPE FEMALE INV.122929\A Epimeria (Drakepimeria) loerzae plate number three.jpg
Bransfield Strait, ANT-29/3, st. 116-9. A. Anterior half of body. B. Coxa 7 and posterior part of coxa 6. C. Posterior half of body.
Located in Virtual collections / / Amphipoda / Epimeria (Drakepimeria) loerzae d'Udekem d'Acoz & Verheye, 2017
Image JPEG image BE-RBINS-INV HOLOTYPE FEMALE INV.122929\A Epimeria (Drakepimeria) loerzae plate number two.jpg
Bransfield Strait, ANT-29/3, st. 116-9. A. Facial habitus. B. Head in frontal view.
Located in Virtual collections / / Amphipoda / Epimeria (Drakepimeria) loerzae d'Udekem d'Acoz & Verheye, 2017
Image JPEG image BE-RBINS-INV HOLOTYPE FEMALE INV.122929\A Epimeria (Drakepimeria) loerzae plate number one.jpg
Bransfield Strait, ANT-29/3, st. 116-9. A. Lateral habitus. B. Dorsal habitus.
Located in Virtual collections / / Amphipoda / Epimeria (Drakepimeria) loerzae d'Udekem d'Acoz & Verheye, 2017
Specimen Epimeria (Drakepimeria) loerzae d'Udekem d'Acoz & Verheye, 2017
Female holotype, Bransfield Strait, ANT-29/3, st. 116-9, (RBINS, INV.122929\A).
Located in Virtual collections / / Malacostraca / Amphipoda
Image JPEG image BE-RBINS-INV PARATYPE FEMALE INV.122473 Epimeria (Drakepimeria) leukhoplites plate number three.jpg
Elephant Island, ANT-238, st. 614-3. A. Pereiopod 4. B. Pereiopod 5. C. Pereiopod 6. D. Pereiopod 7.
Located in Virtual collections / / Amphipoda / Epimeria (Drakepimeria) leukhoplites d'Udekem d'Acoz & Verheye, 2017
Image JPEG image BE-RBINS-INV PARATYPE FEMALE INV.122473 Epimeria (Drakepimeria) leukhoplites plate number two.jpg
Elephant Island, ANT-238, st. 614-3. A. Gnathopod 1. B. Gnathopod 2.
Located in Virtual collections / / Amphipoda / Epimeria (Drakepimeria) leukhoplites d'Udekem d'Acoz & Verheye, 2017
Image JPEG image BE-RBINS-INV PARATYPE FEMALE INV.122473 Epimeria (Drakepimeria) leukhoplites lateral habitus.jpg
Elephant Island, ANT-238, st. 614-3. Lateral habitus
Located in Virtual collections / / Amphipoda / Epimeria (Drakepimeria) leukhoplites d'Udekem d'Acoz & Verheye, 2017
Image JPEG image BE-RBINS-INV PARATYPE FEMALE INV.122473 Epimeria (Drakepimeria) leukhoplites plate number one.jpg
Elephant Island, ANT-238, st. 614-3. Colour in life.
Located in Virtual collections / / Amphipoda / Epimeria (Drakepimeria) leukhoplites d'Udekem d'Acoz & Verheye, 2017
Specimen Epimeria (Drakepimeria) leukhoplites d'Udekem d'Acoz & Verheye, 2017
Female paratype, Elephant Island, ANT-13/8, st. 614-3, (RBINS INV.122473)
Located in Virtual collections / / Malacostraca / Amphipoda
Image JPEG image BE-RBINS-INV HOLOTYPE FEMALE INV.122470 Epimeria (Drakepimeria) leukhoplites plate number five.jpg
Elephant Island, ANT-13/8, st. 605-5. A. Pleosome. B. Urosome.
Located in Virtual collections / / Amphipoda / Epimeria (Drakepimeria) leukhoplites d'Udekem d'Acoz & Verheye, 2017