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You are here: Home / Virtual collections / Entomology / Arachnida (not "Entomology") / Araneae / Oedothorax gibbosus subsp. tuberosus (Blackwall, 1841)

Oedothorax gibbosus subsp. tuberosus (Blackwall, 1841)

Contributors: Camille Locatelli
Copyright: RBINS / DIGIT-4 Belspo Licence: CC BY NC ND
Current name: Oedothorax gibbosus (Blackwall, 1841) ; Male
  • 3D Model : cephalothorax turn left

    Contributors: Camille Locatelli
    Copyright: RBINS / DIGIT-4 Belspo Licence: CC BY NC ND

    Oedothorax gibbosus subsp. tuberosus (Blackwall, 1841) by Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences on Sketchfab


    Contributors: µCT & 3D: Camille Locatelli
    Copyright: RBINS / DIGIT-3 Belspo Licence: CC BY NC ND


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  • 3D Model : cross section turn left

    Contributors: Camille Locatelli
    Copyright: RBINS / DIGIT-4 Belspo Licence: CC BY NC ND

    Oedothorax gibbosus subsp. tuberosus (Blackwall, 1841) by Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences on Sketchfab


    Contributors: µCT & 3D: Camille Locatelli
    Copyright: RBINS / DIGIT-3 Belspo Licence: CC BY NC ND


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  • 3D Model : cross section turn right

    Contributors: Camille Locatelli
    Copyright: RBINS / DIGIT-4 Belspo Licence: CC BY NC ND

    Oedothorax gibbosus subsp. tuberosus (Blackwall, 1841) by Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences on Sketchfab


    Contributors: µCT & 3D: Camille Locatelli
    Copyright: RBINS / DIGIT-3 Belspo Licence: CC BY NC ND


    Filed under: , ,
  • Data

    Copyright: RBINS / DIGIT-4 Belspo Licence: CC BY NC ND

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