Copyright: RBINS / DIGIT-3 Belspo Licence: CC BY NC ND
Name: Françoisite-(Nd)
Location: Kamoto, Shaba, Zaïre
Name Reference: Dr. Armand François, geologist and former director of the Geological Department of the GECAMINE
Chemical Formula: (Nd,Ce,Sm)(UO2)3(PO4)2O(OH) · 6H2O
Crystal System and Class: Monoclinic - Prismatic
Accompanying Minerals:
Origin (Determinator + Year): Deliens M. 1987
Publication: La françoisite-(Nd), nouveau phosphate d'uranyle et de terres rares ; propriétés et. structure cristalline.
Paul Piret, Michel Deliens & Jacqueline Piret-Meunier. Bull. Minéral 1988, 111, 443-449