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Vertigo sp. 2

IRSNB 07219 ; Rupelian, Oligocene; Boutersem, Belgium

IRSNB 07219

IG: 29710 (Robert Marquet)     Reg: - 

Age: Early Rupelian, Oligocene

Locality: Boutersem, Borgloon Formation, Boutersem Sand Member, Vertebrate Horizon, Belgium

Description: Figured Specimen


Marquet, R., Laenaerts, J., Karnekamp, C. & Smith, R. (2008) The molluscan fauna of the Borgloon Formation in Belgium (Early Rupelian, Oligocene). Palaeontons, Palaeo Publishing and Library, 12 : 100 p. 

Pl. XX, fig. 2a, 2b, 2c 

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