Adapisorex sp.
IRSNB M 2018; Middle Palaeocene; Maret; Belgium
IRSNB M 2018
IG: - Reg.: -
Age: Selandian, Middle Palaeocene
Locality: Maret, Brabant Wallon, Belgium
Description: cast of right DP4/
- Herman, J. & Sigé B., 1975. Présence du genre Paléocène Adapisorex (Lipotyphla, Mammalia) dans les sables d'Orp-le-Grand (Heersien) à Maret, en Brabant (Belgique). Geobios T8 (4), pp. 231-239.
- De Bast E., Steurbaut E. & Smith T., 2013. New mammals from the marine Selandian of Maret, Belgium and their implication for the age of the Paleocene continental deposits of Walbeck, Germany. Geologica Belgica T.16(4), pp. 236-244 (Fig. 4a-b)
M2018 occlusal
Right DP4/, occlusal view.
Eric De Bast requested and made the picture in 2013.
Specimen illustrated in Herman & Sigé, 1975; De Bast et al., 2013

M2018 labial
Right DP4/, labial view.
Eric De Bast requested and made the picture in 2013.
Specimen illustrated in Herman & Sigé, 1975; De Bast et al., 2013