Arctocyonides cf. weigelti Russel, 1964
IRSNB M 2020; Paleocene; Maret; Belgium
IRSNB M 2020
IG: - Reg.: -
Age: Middle Palaeocene.
Locality: Maret, Belgium.
Description: Cast of fragmentary upper right molar
-Herman, J. & Sigé, B. 1975. Présence du genre Paléocène Adapisorex (Lipotyphla, Mammalia) dans les sables d’Orp-le-Grand (Heersien) à Maret en Brabant (Belgique). Geobios 8:231-239.
-De Bast, E., Steurbaut, E. and Smith, T. 2013. New mammals from the marine Selandian of Maret, Belgium, and their implications for the age of the Paleocene continental deposits of Walbeck, Germany. Geologica Belgica 16:236-244.
M2020 occlusal
Fragmentary upper right molar, occlusal view.
Eric De Bast requested and made the picture in 2013.
Specimen illustrated in Herman & Sigé, 1975; De Bast et al., 2013