Belgoryctes thaleri De Bast & Smith, 2016
IRSNB M 1947; Paleocene; Hainin; Belgium
IRSNB M 1947 (=Q1-18)
IG: 30562 Reg.: HA-003
Age: Early Palaeocene.
Locality: Hainin, Mons Basin, Belgium.
Description: Left M3/
- Godfriaux, I. & Thaler, L. 1972. Note sur la découverte de dents de mammifères dans le Montien continental du Hainaut (Belgique). Académie Royale de Belgique, Bulletins Classe Sciences, 5th series T. 58, pp. 536-541 (pp. 540, Fig. 3)
- De Bast, E. & Smith, T. published online 2016. The oldest Cenozoic mammal fauna of Europe: implication of the Hainin reference fauna for mammalian evolution and dispersals during the Palaeocene. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology.
M1947 occlusal
Left M3/, occlusal view.
Eric De Bast requested and made the picture in 2011.
Specimen illustrated in Godfriaux & Thaler, 1972.