Teilhardina belgica (Teilhard de Chardin, 1927)
IRSNB M 2162; Eocene; Dormaal; Belgium
IRSNB M 2162
IG: 32731 Reg.: -
Age: Earliest Eocene.
Locality: Dormaal, Belgium.
Description: Second metacarpal
UUID Number: https://darwin.naturalsciences.be/darwin/search/view/uuid/ec0c32df-ba80-47cf-a779-a60ee406305a
-Gebo, D.L., Smith, R., Dagosto, M. & Smith, T. 2015. Additional postcranial elements of Teilhardina belgica: the oldest European Primate. American journal of physiological anthropology 156:388-406 (Fig. 4C & 5; Table 5 & 8).
M2162 dorsal
Second right metacarpal, dorsal view.
Daniel Gebo requested the picture, Eric De Bast made the picture in 2012.
Specimen illustrated in Gebo et al., 2015.

M2162 plantar
Second right metacarpal, plantar view.
Daniel Gebo requested the picture, Eric De Bast made the picture in 2012.
Specimen illustrated in Gebo et al., 2015.

M2162 medial
Second right metacarpal, medial view.
Daniel Gebo requested the picture, Eric De Bast made the picture in 2012.
Specimen illustrated in Gebo et al., 2015.