Teilhardina belgica (Teilhard de Chardin, 1927)
IRSNB M 1264; Eocene; Dormaal; Belgium
IRSNB M 1264
IG: - Reg.: -
Age: Early Eocene.
Locality: Dormaal, Belgium.
Description: Right proximal digit 1 phalanx
UUID Number: https://darwin.naturalsciences.be/darwin/search/view/uuid/77744235-0ca2-41ad-a9ad-6c3019c5b68c
-Gebo, D.L., Smith, T. & Dagosto, M. 2012. New postcranial elements for the earliest Eocene fossil primate Teilhardina belgica. Journal of Human Evolution 63:215-218 (Fig. 9).
M1264 dorsal
Right proximal digit 1 phalanx, dorsal view.
Daniel Gebo requested the picture, Eric De Bast made the picture in 2010.
Specimen illustrated in Gebo et al., 2012.

M1264 plantar
Right proximal digit 1 phalanx, plantar view.
Daniel Gebo requested the picture, Eric De Bast made the picture in 2010.
Specimen illustrated in Gebo et al., 2012.

M1264 medial
Right proximal digit 1 phalanx, medial view.
Daniel Gebo requested the picture, Eric De Bast made the picture in 2010.
Specimen illustrated in Gebo et al., 2012.