Scapellites minor Pruvost, 1930
IRSNB a 07720; Carboniferous ; Veldhoven; The Netherlands
IRSNB a 07720
IG: 9337 Collection: -
Age: Carboniferous
Description: a 07720a : paralectotype; a 07720b lectotype
Locality: The Netherlands, Veldhoven, province du Brabant-Septentrional, Borehole no. 97 of Kwaadmechelen-Veldhoven
Publication: Puvost, P. (1930), Faune continentale du Terrain Houiller de la Belgique, Mémoires du Musée royal des Sciences naturelles de belgique n°44, pp. 111-282 - Planche II, figure 4, 4a
Scapellites minor (3D Profilometer)
Picture: Julien Lalanne
Copyright: RBINS / DIGIT-4 Belspo Licence: CC BY NC ND
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3D model
3D Model: Julien Lalanne
Copyright: RBINS / DIGIT-4 Belspo Licence: CC BY NC ND