Arthropleura maillieuxi
IRSNB a 07741; Carboniferous, Westphalian; Pâturages, Colfontaine, Hainaut Province, Belgium
IRSNB a 07741
IG: 8573 Reg: -
Age: Carboniferous, Westphalian
Collection: Maillieux, E.
Locality: Pâturages, charbonnage du Borinage Central, toit de veine Grand-Bouillon-Caillou, Calfontaine, Hainaut Province, Belgium
Description: Cotype
Pruvost, P. (1930), Description de la Faune continentale du Terrain Houiller de la Belgique, Memoirs of the Royal Belgian Museum of Natural Sciences, 44, pp. 1-13, Planche 10, figure 3
Pruvost 1930 - Planche 10 figure 3
Pièvre gauche, empreinte positive

Specimen (3D Profilometer)
Picture: Julien Lalanne