Cordaites schenkii Halle
IRSNB b 8616
IG: 15929 Reg.: 86219
Âge: Carboniferous
Localité : Assise de Chao Ko Chwang, Siège de Tang Chia Chwang, Couche n°15
Description: Figured Specimen
Diagnose (donnée par Halle) : Leaves long, linear, attaining a maximum breadth of 2 cm, possibly of 5 cm, with quite flat surface, very gradually narrowing to the hase, apex not preserved. Main ribs distinct but flat, separated by interspaces of very unequal breadth, generally numbering 10-14 per centimètre. Interstitial ribs fine but distinct, often only very little finer tlian the main ribs, occasionally of equal thickness with them, varying in number frorn one to five or even more, the most common number being three.
Stockmans, F. & Mathieu, F. La Flore Paléozoïque du Bassin Houiller de Kaiping (Chine). Association pour l’étude de la Paléontologie et de la Stratigraphie houillères, n°32
p. 41, Planche VI, fig. 3, 3a