Taeniopteris lanceolata Kawasaki
IG: 15929 Reg.: 85638
Âge: Carboniferous
Localité : Assise de Hung Ho, Affleurement dans la colline de Lao Shih Shan (ancien village de Hung Ho) , China
Description: Figured Specimen
Diagnose (donnée par Kawasaki) : Frond simple, en tire, lanceolate, small, 5-8 mm wide in the middle and 5 cm long, tapering very gradually into the acutely pointed apex and less gradually toward the base; rachis of medium thickness, 0,5 mm, across at the base; lateral veins given off obliquely, in anterior part acutely, sligthly bending outwards, forked once mostly at or near the base, rarely at sorne distance from the base; the number of veins at the margin about 20 to the centimetre.
Stockmans, F. & Mathieu, F. La Flore Paléozoïque du Bassin Houiller de Kaiping (Chine). Association pour l’étude de la Paléontologie et de la Stratigraphie houillères, n°32
p. 38, Planche XIV, fig. 3, 3a