BE-RBINS-INV NO TYPE FEMALE INV.132678 Cleippides quadricuspis mouth parts R90.jpg
Copyright: RBINS / DIGIT-4 Belspo Licence: CC BY NC ND
Ovigerous female, 52 mm, Svalbard. A, anterior border of head; B, left A1, lateral view; C, peduncle of left A1, medial view; D, junction between article 3 of peduncle and flagellum of A1, and accessory flagellum, medial view; E, left A2, lateral view; F left A2, medial view; G, upper lip and epistome; H, lower lip; I, right Md; J, left Md; K, right Mx1; L, left Mx2; facial row of setae of lower plate of left Mx2.