Ozius truncatus H. Milne Edwards, 1834
Labeled as "Ozius truncatus M. Edw., Ins. Woodlark, topotype, Haswell 1882". RBINS INV. 113675. The glass includes one male specimen. The type material of H. Milne Edwards (1834) came from Australia. Woodlark Island is actually an island situated, east of Papua New Guinea. Hence it is abusive to consider this specimen as a topotype. At first glance the identification of the specimen seems to be correct (d'Udekem d'Acoz, observation made on 02.12.2016). Maybe the locality is erroneous.
Ozius truncatus H. Milne Edwards, 1834 - label.
Copyright: RBINS / DIGIT-4 Belspo Licence: CC BY NC ND

Filed under:
Ozius truncatus H. Milne Edwards, 1834 - male - dorsal habitus
cdudekem, amerland
Copyright: RBINS / DIGIT-4 Belspo Licence: CC BY NC ND

Ozius truncatus H. Milne Edwards, 1834 - male - facial view
cdudekem, amerland
Copyright: RBINS / DIGIT-4 Belspo Licence: CC BY NC ND