Anthenea tuberculosa var. vanstraeleni Engel, 1938
RBINS, AST.442. IG. 9223. Island Enoe, n°62 on label [Engel (1938) mentioned n° 6 in his paper], 23 Mar. 1929. In the glass there were two specimens, while Engels (1938) mentioned three (presumably one was retained in Amsterdam). The specimen illustrated here is the same previously illustrated by Engel (1938). It seems that it should be treated as the holotype because Engel (1938) stated "Comme exemplaire typique, je désigne l'exemplaire figuré". As this is a very large specimens, it is illustrated by non-stacked photographs made with the TG3 Olympus, and microCT scan snapshots.
Ophidiaster astridae Engel, 1938
Ophidiaster astridae Engel, 1938 [accepted as Ophidiaster helicostichus Sladen, 1889]. Holotype. BE-RBINS-INV-AST-918-Ophidiaster-astridae. IG 9223. Expédition de S.A.R. le Duc de brabant aux Indes Néerlandaises, Enroë (Enoe, Aroe) Island, 24 Mar. 1929. As this is a very large specimens, it is illustrated by non-stacked photographs made with the TG3 Olympus and microCT scan snapshots.
Belgicella racowitzana Ludwig, 1903
AST.962 ; Belgica sample 874.
Cheiraster (Luidiaster) gerlachei Ludwig, 1903
Syntype. Belgica sample 787 to 789, 70°15’S, 84°06’W, 20 Dec. 1898. RBINS, INV.AST-540
Anasterias chirophora Ludwig, 1903
AST.967 ; Original name: Anasterias chirophora Ludwig, 1903 synonym of current name: Lysasterias chirophora (Ludwig, 1903); Syntype; Belgica; sample 368; 71°18’S & 88°02’W, 18 May 1898.
Pedicellaster antarcticus Ludwig, 1903
Original name: Pedicellaster antarcticus Ludwig, 1903 synonym of current name: Pedicellaster hypernotius antarcticus Ludwig, 1903. Syntype. Belgica, st. 6, sample 411, 71°19’S, 87°37’W, 28 May 1898. RBINS, AST.330
Stolasterias candicans Ludwig, 1903
Stolasterias candicans Ludwig, 1903; Synonym of: Coscinasterias (Stolasterias) candicans (Ludwig, 1903); synonym of current name: Notasterias candicans (Ludwig, 1903). Syntype. Belgica, stn 7, sample 540, 70°23’S, 82°47’W, 450 m, Oct. 1898. RBINS, AST.317
Solaster octoradiatus Ludwig, 1903
Solaster octoradiatus Ludwig, 1903 synonym of current name: Solaster regularis subarcuatus Sladen, 1889 - Syntype - Belgica - RBINS AST.797 - Stacked photographs, microCT snapshots, microCT video (to be downloaded for viewing).
Hymenaster perspicuus Ludwig, 1903
Hymenaster perspicuus Ludwig, 1903. Syntype. RV Belgica, stn 2, sample 280, 71°09’S, 89°15’ W, 450 m, May 1898. RBINS, AST.969
Allostichaster inaequalis Koehler, 1923
AST . 835; Lerez Cruise, campaign 8202
Psalidaster mordax Fisher, 1940
AST.847: Lerez Cruise, campaign 8204
Cycethra cingulata Koehler, 1923
AST.827: Lerez Cruise, campaign 8202
Anasterias pedicellaris (Koehler, 1923)
AST.825: Lerez Cruise, campaign 8203
Cycethra nitida Sladen, 1889
AST.846: Lerez Cruise, campaign 8202
Astropecten brasiliensis Mueller & Troschel, 1842
AST.839: Lerez Cruise, campaign 8201
Solaster regularis Sladen, 1889
AST.822. Torre Blanca Cruise, campaign 8401
Bathybiaster herwigi Bernasconi, 1972
AST.836 Lerez Cruise, campaign 8202
Hippasteria argentinensis Bernasconi, 1961
AST.849. Lerez Cruise, campaign 8204
Luidia alternata (Say, 1825)
AST.844. Lerez Cruise, campaign 8204
Ctenodiscus australis Lütken, 1871
AST.842. Lerez Cruise, campaign 8204
Luidia alternata (Say, 1825)
AST.829. Lerez Cruise, campaign 8204
Diplasterias brandti (Bell, 1881)
AST.841. Lerez Cruise, campaign 8203
Echinaster brasiliensis Müller & Troschel, 1842
AST.838. Lerez Cruise, campaign 8204
Henricia studeri (Perrier, 1891)
AST.845. Lerez Cruise, campaign 8204
Odontaster penicillatus (Philippi, 1870)
AST.828. Lerez Cruise, campaign 8204
Diplopteraster clarki Bernasconi, 1937
AST.848. Lerez Cruise, campaign 8204
Astropecten cingulatus Sladen, 1883
AST.824. Lerez Cruise, campaign 8203
Henricia obesa (Sladen, 1889)
AST.831. Lerez Cruise, campaign 8204
Peltaster placenta (Mueller & Troschel, 1842)
AST.840. Lerez Cruise, campaign 8203
Anthenoides brasiliensis Bernasconi, 1956
AST.837. Lerez Cruise, campaign 8202
Labidiaster radiosus Lütken, 1872
AST.832. Lerez Cruise, campaign 8204
Acodontaster elongatus (Sladen, 1889)
AST.843. Lerez Cruise, campaign 8204
Astropecten brasiliensis Mueller & Troschel, 1842
AST.834. Lerez Cruise, campaign 8202
Bathybiaster loripes Sladen, 1889
AST.823. Lerez Cruise, campaign 8204
Luidia ludwigi scotti Bell, 1917
AST.826. Lerez Cruise, campaign 8202
Luidia ludwigi scotti Bell, 1917
AST.830. Lerez Cruise, campaign 8202 : no lat/long coordinates, approximately the same as 33316/Lerez/8202/St44
Asterina stellifera (Moebius, 1859)
AST.833. Lerez Cruise, campaign 8202
Aquilonastra rowleyi O'Loughlin & Rowe, 2006
RMCA-AST.1736 Holotype
Archaster lorioli Sukarno & Jangoux, 1977
RMCA-AST.1554 Paratype
Fromia ghardaqana Mortensen, 1938
RMCA AST.1557 Paratype
Anasterias chiropora Ludwig, 1903
AST . 967 Cotype AST.967: 1/2 28. Ech. Mod. II. D2 I.G. 10131 Lysasterias chirophora (Ludwig, 1903) Ex. Antarct. "Belgica", 1897-99, N°368; 71°18'S - 88°02'W, 18/05/1898 Rév. M. Jangoux, C. Massin, 1984 2/2 Cotypes 28. Ech. Mod. II. D2 I.G. 10131 Anasterias chirophora Ludwig Lat 71°18'S, Long. 88°02'W, 18/05/1898 Dét. Dr.h. Ludwig, 1903 syntype selon révision Jangoux-Massin 1986
Neoferdina mahei Jangoux, 1973
Mission Zoologique MRAC-ULB on VI-VIII.1972