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You are here: Home / Virtual collections / Recent Invertebrates / Mollusca / Bivalvia / Cardiidae / Americardia lindamaesae ter Poorten & Swinnen, 2019

Americardia lindamaesae ter Poorten & Swinnen, 2019

Contributors: Pictures: Julie Smith, amerland
Copyright: RBINS / DIGIT-4 Belspo, Licence: CC BY NC ND
MT.3883 Mollusca collection Swinnen FS037 Americardia lindamaesae Ter Poorten & Swinnen, 2019 Loc: en attente Dét: J.J.ter Poorten, 2019 paratype I.G.33959 Public: Basteria 83 (1-3):41 (mais paratype pas mentioné dans la publication - Yves Samyn, 08/09/2020) note by C. d'Udekem d'Acoz 2022: Poorten, J.J. ter & Swinnen, F. (2019). Americardia lindamaesae spec. nov., a new cardiid from Ascension Island (Bivalvia, Cardiidae). Basteria. 83 (1-3): 41-5

For information:

  • MT 3883 Americardia lindamaesae Labels

    Contributors: Picture: Julie Smith
    Copyright: RBINS / DIGIT-4 Belspo, Licence: CC BY NC ND
    MT 3883 Americardia lindamaesae Labels
    Click to view full-size image… Size: 108KB
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  • MT 3883 Americardia lindamaesae D

    Contributors: Picture: Julie Smith
    Copyright: RBINS / DIGIT-4 Belspo, Licence: CC BY NC ND
    MT 3883 Americardia lindamaesae D
    Click to view full-size image… Size: 4950KB
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  • MT 3883 Americardia lindamaesae V

    Contributors: Picture: Julie Smith
    Copyright: RBINS / DIGIT-4 Belspo, Licence: CC BY NC ND
    MT 3883 Americardia lindamaesae V
    Click to view full-size image… Size: 4251KB
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  • Data

    Contributors: amerland
    Copyright: RBINS / DIGIT-4 Belspo Licence: CC BY NC ND