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  • Specimen Octopus sponsalis (P. Fischer & H. Fischer, 1892)

    Original combination: Octopus sponsalis P. Fischer & H. Fischer, 1892, synonym of current name: Bathypolypus sponsalis (P. Fischer & H. Fischer, 1892) - Male - Station 145, 600-800 m depth, "M.W.T.", presumably Senegal, coll. M.P. Doutre, 29 Jul. 1958. Given to W. Adam by the Institut Français d'Afrique Noire I.F.A.N., Gorée). Identified by W Adam in 1959. RBINS, I.G. 22115.

  • Specimen Octopus robsoni Adam, 1941

    Mission R. Ph. Dollfus 1928-29 MT.4123

  • Specimen Octopus robsoni Adam, 1941

    Mission R. Ph. Dollfus 1928-29 MT.4124