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  • Specimen Bulimulus (Naesiotus) duncanus (Dall, 1893)

    MT 105: Bulimulus (Naesiotus) duncanus (Dall, 1893) Ile Duncan (très rare) Géret ex coll. Ancey 10.10.1907 - 2+50 Pilsbry XI, p. 114, pl. 23 f. 24, XIV, p. 152

  • Specimen Bulimulus palmeri Preston, ?

    MT 693: Bulimulus palmeri Preston El Tapo, Rio Pastoza, Oriente Ecuador, 4200 ft Type Preston 30.02.1912 12/6 Fig

  • Specimen Bulimulus tapoensis Preston, ?

    MT 699: Bulimulus tapoensis Preston El Tapo, Rio Pastaza Oriente Ecuador, Alt. 4200 ft Type Preston 30.02.1912 6/0 Type Preston 30.12.09 1/0/0

  • Specimen Placostylus caledonicus var. auriculata Dautzenberg & Bouge, 1923

    Placostylus caledonicus var. auriculata Dautzenberg & Bouge in Dautzenberg, 1923 synonym of current name: Placostylus caledonicus (Petit, 1845). MT 2339 - Syntype - New Caledonia - 1°étiquette: Placostylus caledonicus var. auriculata Bouge & Dautzenberg N. Cal. (label de Dautzenberg) 2° étiquette: Placostylus caledonicus (Petit, 1845) Dét. A.S.H. Breure, 2010 Type locality: N. Caledonia - Syntype Photographed by NMGW Mollusca n°008257 - Original description: DAUTZENBERG P. 1923. — Mollusques terrestres de la Nouvelle-Calédonie et des Iles Loyalty. In: F. SARASIN & J. ROUX: Nova Caledonia, Zoologie, 3 (1): 135-155, 4 Figs. Further reference: Neubert E., Chérel-Mora C. & Bouchet P. 2009. — Polytypy, clines, and fragmentation: The bulimes of New Caledonia revisited (Pulmonata, Orthalicoidea, Placostylidae), in Grandcolas P. (ed.), Zoologia Neocaledonica 7. Biodiversity studies in New Caledonia. Mémoires du Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle 198: 37-131. Paris ISBN: 978-2-85653-618-6.

  • Specimen Placostylus porphyrostomus var. elata Dautzenberg, 1923

    Current name: Placostylus porphyrostomus porphyrostomus (L. Pfeiffer, 1853) ; MT703: Placostylus porphyrostomus var. elata Dautzenberg, 1923 Saint Vincent (Rossiter) Type

  • Specimen Placostylus porphyrostomus var. nana Dautzenberg, 1923

    Current name: Placostylus porphyrostomus porphyrostomus (L. Pfeiffer, 1853) ; MT 703: Placostylus porphyrostomus var. nana Dautzenberg, 1923 ; Ile des Pins Type

  • Specimen Placostylus porphyrostomus var. ochrostoma Garrett, 1872

    Current name: ? ; Synonym of: Placostylus porphyrostomus ochrostoma (Garrett, 1872) ; MT 704: Placostylus porphyrostomus var. ochrostoma Garrett, 1872 ; Ile des Pins (? illisible) Type

  • Specimen Placostylus porphyrostomus var. perlonga Dautzenberg, 1923

    Current name: Placostylus porphyrostomus monackensis (Crosse, 1888) ; MT 705: Placostylus porphyrostomus var. perlonga Dautzenberg, 1923 N. Cal. Type

  • Specimen Hydrobia savesi Crosse, 1888

    Current name: Assiminea savesi (Crosse, 1888) ; MT.3731 ex.tiroir:1033 PHydrobia savesi Crosse, 1888 Loc: Nouvelle Calédonie, Pointe de l'Artillerie Coll. Crosse ex Mazé Syntypes I.G.10591

  • Specimen Bostryx albicolor (Morelet, 1860)

    Bostryx albicolor (Morelet, 1860). AphiaID 1343073 ( MT 2335 - Syntype (see Breure ASH (2011) Annotated type catalogue of the Orthalicoidea (Mollusca, Gastropoda) in the Royal Belgian Institute of Sciences, Brussels, with descriptions of two new species. ZooKeys 101: 1–50. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.101.1133). 1°étiquette: Bostryx albicolor Morelet, 1863 Dét. A.S.H. Breure, 2010 Type locality: Peru, dept. Ayacucho, Huanta et de la vallée de l'Apurimac. 2°étiquette: Bulimulus (Bostryx - ?) albicolor Mor. Pérou. A. Morelet ded Pilsbry X, p. 148, pl. 46, 50 fig. 59 (label de Dautzenberg) 3° étiquette: Bulimulus albicolor Morelet, ex auctore. Type. (of Bulimus albicolor Morelet, 1860) Morelet A. (1860). Colimacea in intimâ Peruvii regione a Cl. Angrand collecta. (Series prima).

  • Specimen Bostryx baeri (Dautzenberg, 1901)

    Bostryx baeri (Dautzenberg, 1901). AphiaID 1321584 ( . MT 2336 - Paralectotype (see Breure ASH (2011) Annotated type catalogue of the Orthalicoidea (Mollusca, Gastropoda) in the Royal Belgian Institute of Sciences, Brussels, with descriptions of two new species. ZooKeys 101: 1–50. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.101.1133). 1°étiquette: Bulimulus (Peronaeus) baeri Dautzenberg 1901 Loc. Iocos (Jocos) Pérou, Baer Legit; Journ. de Conch; 1901, p.131, p.214, pl.8, f. 3, 4 Pilsbry XIV, p 135, pl. 48, f 41, 42 (label de Dautzenberg) 2° étiquette: (Paratypes) Bostryx baeri (Dautzenberg, 1901) Dét. A.S.H. Breure, 2010 Type locality: Peru, Dept. La Libertad, Jocos, 8°14'S - 77°28'W). Paratype. (of Peronaeus baeri Dautzenberg, 1901) Dautzenberg, P. (1901). Diagnoses de deux bulimulidés nouveaux provenant du Pérou.

  • Specimen Bulimulus eschariferus var. bizonalis Ancey, 1887

    Original name: Bulimulus eschariferus var. bizonalis Ancey, 1887 ; synonym of: Naesiotus eschariferus var. bizonalis (Ancey, 1887); synonym of current name: Naesiotus eschariferus (Sowerby, 1833) (see Breure 2011). APHIA number: none. Syntype (see Breure 2011). MT 2337 - 1°étiquette: Naesiotus eschariferus (Sowerby, 1833) Type locality: Ile Galapagos Syntype of Bulimulus eschariferus var. bizonalis Ancey, 1887 Dét. A.S.H. Breure, 2010 2°étiquette: Bulimulus eschariferus var. bizonalis Ancey, 1887 Loc. I. Galapagos Géret ex. coll. Ancey (ex coll. Deshayes) 28.06.08, 2+ (label de Dautzenberg) 3° étiquette: Bul. eschariferus Sow. I. Galapagos (ex coll. Deshayes) (label Ancey). Reference: Breure, Abraham S. H., 2011, Annotated type catalogue of the Orthalicoidea (Mollusca, Gastropoda) in the Royal Belgian Institute of Sciences, Brussels, with descriptions of two new species,

  • Specimen Bostryx bonneti (Ancey, 1902)

    Bostryx bonneti (Ancey, 1902). AphiaID 1321598 ( Paralectotype (see Breure ASH (2011) Annotated type catalogue of the Orthalicoidea (Mollusca, Gastropoda) in the Royal Belgian Institute of Sciences, Brussels, with descriptions of two new species. ZooKeys 101: 1–50. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.101.1133). MT2338 - BE-RBINS-INV-TYPES-MT-2338-Bostryx-bonneti . 1°étiquette: Bulimulus bonneti Ancey, 1902 Loc. Bolivia Géret ex. coll. Ancey 25.12.07, Journal de Conch. 1892 Pilsbry Table p. 46, sand ded. (label de Dautzenberg) 2° étiquette: Bostryx bonneti C. F. Ancey, 1902 Dét. A.S.H. Breure, 2010 Type locality: Bolivia Syntype of Bulimulus bonneti Ancey Syntype Photographed by NMGW Mollusca n°008257. Bolivia. (of Bulimulus bonneti Ancey, 1902) Ancey, C. F. (1902). Description d'une nouvelle espèce de Bulimulus.

  • Specimen Bostryx emaciatus (Morelet, 1863)

    Bostryx emaciatus (Morelet, 1863). AphiaID 1341687 ( MT 2349 - Listed as "type". MolluscaBase stated that the lectotype is in the MNHN; ergo the present specimen from RBINS must be a paralectotype. 1°étiquette: Bulimulus (Bostryx-Peronaeus) emaciatus Morelet, 1863 Pérou, Ayacucho; coll. A. Morelet Pilsbry X, p. 143, pl. 45 f 27, 28 (label Dautzenberg) 2° étiquette: Bostryx emaciatus P. A. Morelet, 1863 Dét. A.S.H. Breure, 2010 Syntypes of Bulimus emaciatus Morelet, 1863 (of Bulimus emaciatus Morelet, 1863) Morelet A. (1863). Séries conchyliologiques comprenant l'énumération de mollusques terrestres et fluviatiles recueillis pendant le cours de différents voyages ainsi que la description de plusieurs espèces nouvelles, 3: 131-221, pls. 7-11. Paris: Klincksieck.

  • Specimen Drymaeus jousseaumei Dautzenberg, 1901

    Drymaeus jousseaumei Dautzenberg, 1901. AphiaID 1367903 ( MT 2356 - Paralectotype (see Breure ASH (2011) Annotated type catalogue of the Orthalicoidea (Mollusca, Gastropoda) in the Royal Belgian Institute of Sciences, Brussels, with descriptions of two new species. ZooKeys 101: 1–50. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.101.1133). 1°étiquette: Drymaeus jousseaumei Dautzenberg, 1901 Rio Mixiollo, Province Huallaga, Pérou, Baer legit; J. de C. 1901; p.308, pl. IX, f 4, 5 Pilsbry index p. XII (Dautzenberg's handwriting) 2° étiquette: Drymaeus jousseaumei Dautzenberg, 1901 Dét. A.S.H. Breure, 2010. Original description: Dautzenberg P (1901) Descriptions de coquilles nouvelles rapportées du Pérou par M. Baer. Journal de Conchyliologie 49: 306–313.

  • Specimen Protoglyptus mazei (Crosse, 1874)

    Protoglyptus mazei (Crosse, 1874). AphiaID 1469273 ( MT 2360 - RBINS, MT 2360 - Paralectotype (see Breure ASH (2011) Annotated type catalogue of the Orthalicoidea (Mollusca, Gastropoda) in the Royal Belgian Institute of Sciences, Brussels, with descriptions of two new species. ZooKeys 101: 1–50. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.101.1133). 1°étiquette: Bulimulus mazei Crosse, 1874 Martinique, Massif des Pitons, 730 m d'altitude Coll. Crosse ex. Mazé. 1873, Pilsbry XI, p. 48, pl. 9, f. 57, 58 (Crosse's handwriting) 2° étiquette: Protoglyptus mazei Crosse, 1874 Dét. A.S.H. Breure, 2010 Paratype of Bulimulus mazei Crosse, 1874. Original description: Crosse H (1874a) Diagnoses molluscorum Martinicensium novorum.

  • Specimen Drymaeus nystianus var. lutea Cousin, 1887

    Drymaeus nystianus var. lutea Cousin, 1887 ; Synonym of.: Thaumastus nystianus var. lutea (Cousin, 1887) ; current name: Drymaeus (Drymaeus) nystianus (L. Pfeiffer, 1853) (MolluscaBase eds. (2020). MolluscaBase. Drymaeus (Drymaeus) nystianus (L. Pfeiffer, 1853). Accessed at: on 2021-01-08). Syntype. There are different colour "varieties" of Drymaeus nystianus in different plastic bags of the same batch under the same registration number MT2365. This "subsample" is here referred as BE-RBINS-INV SYNTYPE MT 2365 Drymaeus nystianus var. lutea . These specimens from the lutea variety were not listed in Breure ASH (2011) Annotated type catalogue of the Orthalicoidea (Mollusca, Gastropoda) in the Royal Belgian Institute of Sciences, Brussels, with descriptions of two new species. ZooKeys 101: 1–50. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.101.1133 . General : 1° étiquette: Thaumastus nystianus (Pfeiffer, 1853) Ecuador, Chemin de Pomasqui à Chilguiltina, ex. Cousin (Dautzenberg coll.). ORIGINAL description: Cousin A (1887) Faune malacologique de la république de l’Équateur. Bulletin de la Société Zoologique de France 12: 187–287.

  • Specimen Drymaeus nystianus var. nigricans Cousin, 1887

    Drymaeus nystianus var. nigricans Cousin, 1887 ; Synonym: Thaumastus nystianus var. nigricans (Cousin, 1887) ; Current name: Drymaeus (Drymaeus) nystianus (L. Pfeiffer, 1853) (MolluscaBase eds. (2020). MolluscaBase. Drymaeus (Drymaeus) nystianus (L. Pfeiffer, 1853). Accessed at: on 2021-01-08). Syntype. There are different colour "varieties" of Drymaeus nystianus in different plastic bags of the same batch under the same registration number MT2365. This "subsample" is here referred as BE-RBINS-INV SYNTYPE MT 2365 Drymaeus nystianus var. nigricans Cousin, 1887. General : 1° étiquette: Thaumastus nystianus (Pfeiffer, 1853) Ecuador, Chemin de Pomasqui à Chilguiltina, ex. Cousin (Dautzenberg coll.). ORIGINAL description: Cousin A (1887) Faune malacologique de la république de l’Équateur. Bulletin de la Société Zoologique de France 12: 187–287.

  • Specimen Bulimus spiculatus Morelet, 1860

    Current name:Bostryx spiculatus (Morelet, 1860). AphiaID 1348583 ( Probable paralectotype (concluded from reading Breure ASH (2011) Annotated type catalogue of the Orthalicoidea (Mollusca, Gastropoda) in the Royal Belgian Institute of Sciences, Brussels, with descriptions of two new species. ZooKeys 101: 1–50. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.101.1133). MT2373 - 1° étiquette: Bulimus spiculatus Morelet, 1860 Peru Coll. A. Morelet, Pilsbry X, p. 144, pl. 45 f. 29 2°étiquette: Bostryx spiculatus (Morelet, 1860) Dét. A.S.H. Breure dét. 2010 Probablement syntypes of Bulimulus spiculatus Morelet. Original description (of Bulimus spiculatus Morelet, 1860) Morelet A. (1860). Colimacea in intimâ Peruvii regione a Cl. Angrand collecta. (Series prima).

  • Specimen Placostylus albersi Dautzenberg & Bouge , 1923

    Specimen labelled as Placostylus albersi Dautzenberg & Bouge var. obliquata Dautzenberg & Bouge - Dautzenberg & Bouge in Dautzenberg (1923: 146) do not mention a variety obliquata. A search on the internet (C. d'Udekem d'Acoz, 22 Jan. 2021) yielded no more result. So this might be a manuscript name. Placostylus albersi Dautzenberg & Bouge in Dautzenberg, 1923 is currently accepted as Placostylus fibratus souvillei (Morelet, 1857) (see Neubert et al. 2009). The present specimen can presumably be considered as a syntype of Placostylus albersi. Registration number: MT 697 - Old registration number: 524999. Labelled as MT 697: Placostylus albersi Dautzenberg & Bouge var. obliquata Dautzenberg & Bouge Baie au Prony Coll. Bougins Type - Major references on Placostylus: DAUTZENBERG P. 1923. — Mollusques terrestres de la Nouvelle-Calédonie et des Iles Loyalty. In: F. SARASIN & J. ROUX: Nova Caledonia, Zoologie, 3 (1): 135-155, 4 Figs. AND Neubert E., Chérel-Mora C. & Bouchet P. 2009. — Polytypy, clines, and fragmentation: The bulimes of New Caledonia revisited (Pulmonata, Orthalicoidea, Placostylidae), in Grandcolas P. (ed.), Zoologia Neocaledonica 7. Biodiversity studies in New Caledonia. Mémoires du Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle 198: 37-131. Paris ISBN: 978-2-85653-618-6.

  • Specimen Bulimus veruculum Morelet, 1860

    Original combination: Bulimus veruculum Morelet, 1860 synonym of current name: Bostryx veruculum (Morelet, 1860) - Syntype - Peru - 1° étiquette: Bulimus veruculum Morelet, 1860 Peru, Balsa de Cocharcas ?, Coll. A. Morelet, Pilsbry X p 137, pl. 45, f 8 2°étiquette: Bostryx veruculum (Morelet 1860) Dét. A.S.H. Breure dét. 2010 Probablement syntypes of Bulimulus veruculum Morelet - Original description Morelet A. (1860). Colimacea in intimâ Peruvii regione a Cl. Angrand collecta. (Series prima).

  • Specimen SIS package Bulimulus (Drymaeus) chacoensis Preston, 1907

    Bulimulus (Drymaeus) chacoensis Preston, 1907 synonym of current name: Bostryx chacoensis (Preston, 1907). Labeled as syntype actually Paralectotype - Bolivia - 1°étiquette: Bulimulus chacoensis Preston, 1907 N. of the Rio Pilcomayo, Chaco, Bolivia, 600 m alt. Preston 14.11.07 3/0 (label de Dautzenberg & is handwriting) 2° étiquette: Bostryx chacoensis Preston, 1907 Dét. A.S.H. Breure, 2010 Syntype of Bulimulus (Drymaeus) chacoensis Preston, 1907 - Original description (of Bulimulus (Drymaeus) chacoensis Preston, 1907) Preston, H.B. (1907). Descriptions of new species of land and freshwater shells from Central and South America.

  • Specimen Bulimulus alternatus hesperius Pilsbry & Ferriss, 1925

    Original name: Bulimulus alternatus hesperius Pilsbry & Ferriss in Ferriss, 1925; synonym of: Rabdotus alternatus hesperius Pillsbry & Ferriss in Ferriss, 1925; synonym of current name: Rabdotus (Rabdotus) alternatus (Say, 1830) (fide accessed 28 Apr. 2021). Paratype. USA. BE-RBINS-INV-TYPES-MT-2353-Rabdotus-alternatus-hesperius - 1°étiquette: Bulimulus alternatus hesperius Pilsbry & Ferriss, 1924 East side of the Pecos river, Texas, USA. 2° étiquette: Rabdotus alternatus hesperius Pilsbry & Ferriss, 1924 Dét. A.S.H. Breure, 2010 Probablement des paratypes - Original description: Ferriss, J.H. (1924). On the Rio Grande. The Nautilus, 38(2): 37-43. - Further reference: Breure ASH (2011) Annotated type catalogue of the Orthalicoidea (Mollusca, Gastropoda) in the Royal Belgian Institute of Sciences, Brussels, with descriptions of two new species. ZooKeys 101: 1–50. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.101.1133

  • Specimen Bulimulus (Protoglyptus) dejectus Fulton, 1907

    Original name: Bulimulus (Protoglyptus) dejectus Fulton, 1907 synonym of current name: Protoglyptus dejectus (Fulton, 1907) - Paralectotype - RBINS, MT 2348 - Brazil - 1° étiquette: Bulimulus dejectus Fulton, Santa Catharina Ex; Sowerby & Fulton 22.2.07 Ann. & drag; ...XIX (1907) p 153, pl. X, f.1 2°étiquette: Protoglyptus dejectus Fulton 1907 Dét. A.S.H. Breure dét. 2010 Paralectotype of Bulimulus (Protoglyptus) dejectus Fulton - Original description: Fulton HC (1907) Descriptions of new species of Trochomorpha, Cochlostyla, Amphidromus, Bulimulus, Drymaeus, Placostylus, Stenogyra, Leptopoma, Cyclophorus, Cyclotus, and Alyceus. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (7) 19: 149–157. - Further references: Breure ASH (2011) Annotated type catalogue of the Orthalicoidea (Mollusca, Gastropoda) in the Royal Belgian Institute of Sciences, Brussels, with descriptions of two new species. ZooKeys 101: 1–50. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.101.1133 - Breure ASH, Ablett JD (2015) Annotated type catalogue of the Megaspiridae, Orthalicidae, and Simpulopsidae (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Orthalicoidea) in the Natural History Museum, London. ZooKeys 470: 17–143. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.470.8548

  • Specimen Otostomus colimensis (Rolle, 1895)

    Original name: Otostomus colimensis Rolle, 1895 synonym of current name: Drymaeus (Drymaeus) colimensis (Rolle, 1895) - Paralectotype - 1°étiquette: Bulimulus colimensis Rolle Loc. Colima, Mexico. Rolle 16.07.07; 5/0 les 2 (label de Dautzenberg & is handwriting) 2° étiquette: Drymaeus colimensis Rolle, 1895 Dét. A.S.H. Breure, 2010 Probablement des Paralectotypes. Original description: Rolle H (1895) Beitrag zur Fauna von Mexico. Nachrichtsblatt der Deutschen Malakozoologische Gesellschaft 27: 129–131. - Further reference: Breure ASH (2011) Annotated type catalogue of the Orthalicoidea (Mollusca, Gastropoda) in the Royal Belgian Institute of Sciences, Brussels, with descriptions of two new species. ZooKeys 101: 1–50. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.101.1133

  • Specimen Bostryx carandaitiensis (Preston, 1907)

    Bostryx carandaitiensis (Preston, 1907) - original combination: Bulimulus (Drymaeus) carandaitiensis Preston, 1907 - Syntype - 1°étiquette: Bulimulus (Drymaeus) carandaitiensis Preston, 1907 Carandaiti, Prov. de Cordillera, Bolivia, 1000 meters (label de Dautzenberg & Preston's handwriting) 2° étiquette: Bostryx carandaitensis (Preston, 1907) Dét. A.S.H. Breure, 2010 Syntype of Bulimulus (Drymaeus) carandaitensis Preston, 1907 - Original description: Preston HB (1907) Descriptions of new species of land and freshwater shells from Central and South America. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (7) 20: 490–498. - Further reference: Breure ASH (2011) Annotated type catalogue of the Orthalicoidea (Mollusca, Gastropoda) in the Royal Belgian Institute of Sciences, Brussels, with descriptions of two new species. ZooKeys 101: 1–50. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.101.1133

  • Specimen Bulimulus (Drymaeus) abruptus (Rolle, 1904)

    Original name: Bulimulus (Drymaeus) abruptus Rolle, 1904 synonym of current name: - Paralectotype - Peru - 1°étiquette: Bulimulus abruptus Rolle, 1904 Huancabamba, Pérou 1904, Rolle 16.07.1907 10/0 les2 2° étiquette: Drymaeus abruptus (Rolle, 1905) Dét. A.S.H. Breure, 2010 Paralectotypes - Original description: Rolle H (1904) Diagnosen neuer Arten. Nachrichtsblatt der Deutschen Malakozoologische Gesellschaft 36: 35–39. - Further reference: Breure ASH (2011) Annotated type catalogue of the Orthalicoidea (Mollusca, Gastropoda) in the Royal Belgian Institute of Sciences, Brussels, with descriptions of two new species. ZooKeys 101: 1–50. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.101.1133

  • Specimen Naesiotus subcostatus (F. Haas, 1948)

    Paratype - RBINS, MT.2379 - Peru

  • Specimen Thaumastus nystianus var. lutea Cousin, 1887

    MT.3818 Drymaeus nystianus (Pfeiffer, 1853) possible syntypes of Thaumastus nystianus lutea Cousin, 1887 Dét. Bram Breure, 2010 2° label: Thaumastus nystianus var. lutea Cousin, 1887 Loc: Ecuador, Chilguiltina ex. Coll. Cousin Syntypes I.G.10591

  • Specimen Hamadryas fallax f. major

    MT.3815 Drymaeus fallax (Pfeiffer, 1853) Dét. Bram Breure, 2019 2° label: Hamadryas fallax Pfeiffer fa. major Loc: Ecuador Coll. Cousin Syntypes I.G.10591

  • Specimen Bostryx alausiensis (Cousin, 1887)

    1°étiquette: Bulimulus alausiensis Cousin Racu, entre Achupallas et la riv; Sula, Ecuador. Coll. Cousin Pilsbry X, p. 180, pl. 50 fig. 59 (label de Cousin et Dautzenberg) 2° étiquette: Bostryx alausiensis (Cousin, 1887) Dét. A.S.H. Breure, 2010 Paralectotypes de Thaumastus alausiensis Cousin (MT 2334) Lectotype de Thaumastus alausiensis Cousin (MT 2333)

  • Specimen Thaumastus juana Cousin, 1887

    1°étiquette: Thaumastus juana Cousin, 1887 Ecuador, Province de Cuença, Gualacco (Cousin's handwriting) 2° étiquette: Bostryx juana (Cousin, 1887) Dét. A.S.H. Breure, 2010 Paralectotypes of Thaumastus juana Cousin (note by C. d'Udekem d'Acoz 2022) Cousin, A. (1887). Faune malacologique de la Republique de l'Équateur. Bulletin de la Société zoologique de France. 12: 187-287., available online at - page(s): 228, pl. 4 fig. 10 Breure ASH (2011) Annotated type catalogue of the Orthalicoidea (Mollusca, Gastropoda) in the Royal Belgian Institute of Sciences, Brussels, with descriptions of two new species. ZooKeys 101: 1–50. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.101.1133

  • Specimen Suniellus adriani Breure, 2011

    1° étiquette: Bulimulus gonzalezi Breure, Ecuador, Prov. Pichincha (ex. Cousin) 2°étiquette: Suniellus gonzalezi Breure, Dét. A.S.H. Breure dét. 2010 Cassé en le prenant... (note by C. d'Udekem d'Acoz 2022): Breure ASH (2011) Annotated type catalogue of the Orthalicoidea (Mollusca, Gastropoda) in the Royal Belgian Institute of Sciences, Brussels, with descriptions of two new species. ZooKeys 101: 1–50. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.101.1133 Suniellus adriani Breure, 2011 - in DaRWIN Suniellus gonzalezi Breure, 2011 [this name has never been published; the species is dedicated to Adrian González; presumably Breure first considered to use the surname for his dedicate, then changed his mind and opted for the first name] - accepted as Suniellus adriani Breure, 2011

  • Specimen Bulimulus scutulatus (W.J. Broderip, 1832)

    INV.316107 Pilsbry X p. 165, pl. 47 f 71-73 I.G.10591 Ex tiroir 1008

  • Specimen Bulimulus scutulatus (W.J. Broderip, 1832)

    INV.316108 Pilsbry X p. 165, pl. 47 f 71-73 Ex titoir 1008 IG10591