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Gyraulus kigeziensis Preston, 1912

Contributors: cdudekem, amerland
Copyright: RBINS / DIGIT-4 Belspo Licence: CC BY NC ND
MT.2899 IG:10591 (ex tiroir 813) Gyraulus kigeziensis Preston, 1912 (= Planorbis kisumiensis Preston, 1912) Rév. Dr. W. Adam, 1957 Exploration du Parc National Albert, fascicule 3, Pl. IX, fig.3, fig. texte 20; Mission de Heinzelin note by C. d'Udekem d'Acoz 2022: Preston, H.B. (1912). Diagnoses of new terrestrial and fluviatile shells from British East Africa and Uganda. Revue de Zoologie Africaine, 1 (3): 322-328, pl. 17. Bruxelles [31 March]. - page(s): 327, pl. 17, fig. 10

For information:


Scale of specimens marked "small" is correct 

  • BE-RBINS-INV-MT-2899-Gyraulus-kigeziensis-ct-label.jpg

    Contributors: Picture : Alexandra Merland
    Copyright: RBINS / DIGIT-4 Belspo Licence: CC BY NC ND
    Click to view full-size image… Size: 339KB
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  • BE-RBINS-INV-MT-2899-Gyraulus-kigeziensis-ct-D.jpg

    Contributors: Picture : Alexandra Merland
    Copyright: RBINS / DIGIT-4 Belspo Licence: CC BY NC ND
    Click to view full-size image… Size: 234KB
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  • BE-RBINS-INV-MT-2899-Gyraulus-kigeziensis-ct-V.jpg

    Contributors: Picture : Alexandra Merland
    Copyright: RBINS / DIGIT-4 Belspo Licence: CC BY NC ND
    Click to view full-size image… Size: 227KB
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  • BE-RBINS-INV-MT-2899-Gyraulus-kigeziensis-ct-L.jpg

    Contributors: Picture : Alexandra Merland
    Copyright: RBINS / DIGIT-4 Belspo Licence: CC BY NC ND
    Click to view full-size image… Size: 127KB
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  • dorsal-SMALL.jpg

    Contributors: Picture: Cédric d'Udekem d'Acoz, Alexandra Merland
    Copyright: RBINS / DIGIT-4 Belspo Licence: CC BY NC ND
    Click to view full-size image… Size: 204KB
  • antioral-BIG.jpg

    Contributors: Picture: Cédric d'Udekem d'Acoz, Alexandra Merland
    Copyright: RBINS / DIGIT-4 Belspo Licence: CC BY NC ND
    Click to view full-size image… Size: 498KB
  • dorsal-BIG.jpg

    Contributors: Picture: Cédric d'Udekem d'Acoz, Alexandra Merland
    Copyright: RBINS / DIGIT-4 Belspo Licence: CC BY NC ND
    Click to view full-size image… Size: 1130KB
  • oral-BIG.jpg

    Contributors: Picture: Cédric d'Udekem d'Acoz, Alexandra Merland
    Copyright: RBINS / DIGIT-4 Belspo Licence: CC BY NC ND
    Click to view full-size image… Size: 571KB
  • profile-BIG.jpg

    Contributors: Picture: Cédric d'Udekem d'Acoz, Alexandra Merland
    Copyright: RBINS / DIGIT-4 Belspo Licence: CC BY NC ND
    Click to view full-size image… Size: 445KB
  • ventral-BIG.jpg

    Contributors: Picture: Cédric d'Udekem d'Acoz, Alexandra Merland
    Copyright: RBINS / DIGIT-4 Belspo Licence: CC BY NC ND
    Click to view full-size image… Size: 1217KB
  • Data

    Contributors: amerland
    Copyright: RBINS / DIGIT-4 Belspo Licence: CC BY NC ND