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You are here: Home / Virtual collections / Recent Invertebrates / Mollusca / Gastropoda / Streptaxidae / Ennea pretiosa var. nyiroensis Preston, 1913

Ennea pretiosa var. nyiroensis Preston, 1913

Contributors: Picture: Cédric d'Udekem d'Acoz, Alexandra Merland
Copyright: RBINS / DIGIT-4 Belspo Licence: CC BY NC ND
MT.2873 IG:10591 (ex tiroir 1230) Ennea pretiosa var. nyiroensis Preston, 1913 1 Cotype Loc. Mt. Nyiro, Sud du Lac Rodolphe 8.300 feet, ex. Preston 14.12.1911 2° label: Gulella (Costigulella) pretiosa var. nyiroensis (Preston, 1913) Révision W. Adam, 1984 note by C. d'Udekem d'Acoz 2022: Preston, H.B. (1913). Diagnoses of new species and varieties of agnathous Mollusca from Equatorial Africa. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 81 (2): 194-218, pl. 32-35. [30 May]., available online at - page(s): 211, pl. 35, figs 1, 1a.

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Scale of specimens marked "small" is correct

  • BE-RBINS-INV-MT-2873-Ennea-pretiosa-nyiroensis-mouth-plane-SMALL.jpg

    Contributors: Picture: Cédric d'Udekem d'Acoz, Alexandra Merland
    Copyright: RBINS / DIGIT-4 Belspo Licence: CC BY NC ND
    Click to view full-size image… Size: 110KB
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  • BE-RBINS-INV-MT-2873-Ennea-pretiosa-nyiroensis-oral-SMALL.jpg

    Contributors: Picture: Cédric d'Udekem d'Acoz, Alexandra Merland
    Copyright: RBINS / DIGIT-4 Belspo Licence: CC BY NC ND
    Click to view full-size image… Size: 129KB
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  • BE-RBINS-INV-MT-2873-Ennea-pretiosa-nyiroensis-oblique-SMALL.jpg

    Contributors: Picture: Cédric d'Udekem d'Acoz, Alexandra Merland
    Copyright: RBINS / DIGIT-4 Belspo Licence: CC BY NC ND
    Click to view full-size image… Size: 111KB
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  • BE-RBINS-INV-MT-2873-Ennea-pretiosa-nyiroensis-mouth-plane-4-BIG.jpg

    Contributors: Picture: Cédric d'Udekem d'Acoz, Alexandra Merland
    Copyright: RBINS / DIGIT-4 Belspo Licence: CC BY NC ND
    Click to view full-size image… Size: 403KB
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  • BE-RBINS-INV-MT-2873-Ennea-pretiosa-nyiroensis-mouth-plane-3-BIG.jpg

    Contributors: Picture: Cédric d'Udekem d'Acoz, Alexandra Merland
    Copyright: RBINS / DIGIT-4 Belspo Licence: CC BY NC ND
    Click to view full-size image… Size: 621KB
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  • BE-RBINS-INV-MT-2873-Ennea-pretiosa-nyiroensis-mouth-plane-2-BIG.jpg

    Contributors: Picture: Cédric d'Udekem d'Acoz, Alexandra Merland
    Copyright: RBINS / DIGIT-4 Belspo Licence: CC BY NC ND
    Click to view full-size image… Size: 688KB
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  • BE-RBINS-INV-MT-2873-Ennea-pretiosa-nyiroensis-left-BIG.jpg

    Contributors: Picture: Cédric d'Udekem d'Acoz, Alexandra Merland
    Copyright: RBINS / DIGIT-4 Belspo Licence: CC BY NC ND
    Click to view full-size image… Size: 710KB
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  • BE-RBINS-INV-MT-2873-Ennea-pretiosa-nyiroensis-dorsal-BIG.jpg

    Contributors: Picture: Cédric d'Udekem d'Acoz, Alexandra Merland
    Copyright: RBINS / DIGIT-4 Belspo Licence: CC BY NC ND
    Click to view full-size image… Size: 703KB
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  • BE-RBINS-INV-MT-2873-Ennea-pretiosa-nyiroensis-cut-B-3-BIG.jpg

    Contributors: Picture: Cédric d'Udekem d'Acoz, Alexandra Merland
    Copyright: RBINS / DIGIT-4 Belspo Licence: CC BY NC ND
    Click to view full-size image… Size: 418KB
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  • BE-RBINS-INV-MT-2873-Ennea-pretiosa-nyiroensis-cut-B-2-BIG.jpg

    Contributors: Picture: Cédric d'Udekem d'Acoz, Alexandra Merland
    Copyright: RBINS / DIGIT-4 Belspo Licence: CC BY NC ND
    Click to view full-size image… Size: 807KB
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  • BE-RBINS-INV-MT-2873-Ennea-pretiosa-nyiroensis-cut-B-1-BIG.jpg

    Contributors: Picture: Cédric d'Udekem d'Acoz, Alexandra Merland
    Copyright: RBINS / DIGIT-4 Belspo Licence: CC BY NC ND
    Click to view full-size image… Size: 967KB
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  • BE-RBINS-INV-MT-2873-Ennea-pretiosa-nyiroensis-cut-B-0-BIG.jpg

    Contributors: Picture: Cédric d'Udekem d'Acoz, Alexandra Merland
    Copyright: RBINS / DIGIT-4 Belspo Licence: CC BY NC ND
    Click to view full-size image… Size: 990KB
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  • BE-RBINS-INV-MT-2873-Ennea-pretiosa-nyiroensis-cut-A-3-BIG.jpg

    Contributors: Picture: Cédric d'Udekem d'Acoz, Alexandra Merland
    Copyright: RBINS / DIGIT-4 Belspo Licence: CC BY NC ND
    Click to view full-size image… Size: 743KB
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  • BE-RBINS-INV-MT-2873-Ennea-pretiosa-nyiroensis-cut-A-2-BIG.jpg

    Contributors: Picture: Cédric d'Udekem d'Acoz, Alexandra Merland
    Copyright: RBINS / DIGIT-4 Belspo Licence: CC BY NC ND
    Click to view full-size image… Size: 763KB
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  • BE-RBINS-INV-MT-2873-Ennea-pretiosa-nyiroensis-cut-A-1-BIG.jpg

    Contributors: Picture: Cédric d'Udekem d'Acoz, Alexandra Merland
    Copyright: RBINS / DIGIT-4 Belspo Licence: CC BY NC ND
    Click to view full-size image… Size: 763KB
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  • BE-RBINS-INV-MT-2873-Ennea-pretiosa-nyiroensis-anterior-BIG.jpg

    Contributors: Picture: Cédric d'Udekem d'Acoz, Alexandra Merland
    Copyright: RBINS / DIGIT-4 Belspo Licence: CC BY NC ND
    Click to view full-size image… Size: 394KB
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  • BE-RBINS-INV-MT-2873-Ennea-pretiosa-nyiroensis-right-BIG.jpg

    Contributors: Picture: Cédric d'Udekem d'Acoz, Alexandra Merland
    Copyright: RBINS / DIGIT-4 Belspo Licence: CC BY NC ND
    Click to view full-size image… Size: 714KB
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  • BE-RBINS-INV-MT-2873-Ennea-pretiosa-nyiroensis-posterior-BIG.jpg

    Contributors: Picture: Cédric d'Udekem d'Acoz, Alexandra Merland
    Copyright: RBINS / DIGIT-4 Belspo Licence: CC BY NC ND
    Click to view full-size image… Size: 369KB
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  • BE-RBINS-INV-MT-2873-Ennea-pretiosa-nyiroensis-oral-BIG.jpg

    Contributors: Picture: Cédric d'Udekem d'Acoz, Alexandra Merland
    Copyright: RBINS / DIGIT-4 Belspo Licence: CC BY NC ND
    Click to view full-size image… Size: 687KB
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  • BE-RBINS-INV-MT-2873-Ennea-pretiosa-nyiroensis-oblique-BIG.jpg

    Contributors: Picture: Cédric d'Udekem d'Acoz, Alexandra Merland
    Copyright: RBINS / DIGIT-4 Belspo Licence: CC BY NC ND
    Click to view full-size image… Size: 599KB
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  • BE-RBINS-INV-MT-2873-Ennea-pretiosa-nyiroensis-mouth-plane-BIG.jpg

    Contributors: Picture: Cédric d'Udekem d'Acoz, Alexandra Merland
    Copyright: RBINS / DIGIT-4 Belspo Licence: CC BY NC ND
    Click to view full-size image… Size: 626KB
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  • Data

    Contributors: amerland
    Copyright: RBINS / DIGIT-4 Belspo Licence: CC BY NC ND
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