Bostryx bonneti (Ancey, 1902). AphiaID
1321598 ( Paralectotype (see Breure ASH (2011) Annotated type catalogue of the Orthalicoidea (Mollusca, Gastropoda) in the Royal Belgian
Institute of Sciences, Brussels, with descriptions of two new species. ZooKeys 101: 1–50. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.101.1133). MT2338 - BE-RBINS-INV-TYPES-MT-2338-Bostryx-bonneti . 1°étiquette: Bulimulus bonneti Ancey, 1902 Loc. Bolivia Géret ex. coll. Ancey 25.12.07, Journal de Conch. 1892 Pilsbry Table p. 46, sand ded. (label de Dautzenberg) 2° étiquette: Bostryx bonneti C. F. Ancey, 1902 Dét. A.S.H. Breure, 2010 Type locality: Bolivia Syntype of Bulimulus bonneti Ancey Syntype Photographed by NMGW Mollusca n°008257. Bolivia. (of Bulimulus bonneti Ancey, 1902) Ancey, C. F. (1902). Description d'une nouvelle espèce de Bulimulus.
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Bostryx albicolor (Morelet, 1860). AphiaID
1343073 ( MT 2335 - Syntype (see Breure ASH (2011) Annotated type catalogue of the Orthalicoidea (Mollusca, Gastropoda) in the Royal Belgian
Institute of Sciences, Brussels, with descriptions of two new species. ZooKeys 101: 1–50. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.101.1133).
1°étiquette: Bostryx albicolor Morelet, 1863 Dét. A.S.H. Breure, 2010 Type locality: Peru, dept. Ayacucho, Huanta et de la vallée de l'Apurimac. 2°étiquette: Bulimulus (Bostryx - ?) albicolor Mor. Pérou. A. Morelet ded Pilsbry X, p. 148, pl. 46, 50 fig. 59 (label de Dautzenberg) 3° étiquette: Bulimulus albicolor Morelet, ex auctore. Type.
(of Bulimus albicolor Morelet, 1860) Morelet A. (1860). Colimacea in intimâ Peruvii regione a Cl. Angrand collecta. (Series prima).
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